This project, titled “Subtraction,” was an exploration in carving out space from an assigned volume. The building “site” was one half of a Japanese wood-working joint – the original joint can be seen in the images of the foam and colorful plexi model above. The goal was to create 4 rooms with circulation between them. Each of the rooms had a certain viewing constraint: ground view, sky view, horizon view, and natural light with no view (diffuse light room). Because of the vertical nature of my site, I created a tall atrium-like room as the diffuse room, shaped by the leftover space from the circulation. The rest of the rooms are distinctly round in order to create a contrast between the simple and angular circulation that wraps around the diffuse room. The physical models were created out of laser cut plexi glass, as well as 3D printed materials and wood. The diagrams represent the progression of the design, from envisioning the circulation and the rooms to putting it all together into one building.
Fall ’15
Photographs by Andy Ryan & Maria Roldan
Software: Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
Tools: Epilog Laser Cutter, Shop Tools, Zcorp 3D Printer
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