The renderings above show an idealized version of a whale museum called “Underwater.” The curvature was developed through my Material Exploration project. Each vault houses a whale species, and the varying sizes of the vaults lends itself to a wide variety of specimen from the cetacean mammalian order (dolphins and whales). The vaults are organized in a specific manner that arranges the specimen in this natural history style museum by location. Each rendering shows a different view of the museum.
I created a physical model of my design by using 3D printed shells for the vault. These vaults have tiny perforations that allow for light to shine through, adding to the ethereal underwater effect.
The drawings above are representations of the design created, showing the layered organization of structure and relationships between the various elements of the building.
Spring ’16
Photographs by Andy Ryan
Software: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Vray, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Tools: Zcorp 3D printer
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